landline or mobile number you would have to pay a connection fee of 4.9 cents and 2.3 cents for call minutes. For example, if you were to call to a U.S. There’s a low cost calling option as well, which includes your Skype number, caller ID and call forwarding. You can also view the caller public profiles, send instant messages and call them. You can also import your contacts and access them through the Contacts icon below the search bar. You can search by the usernames or email addresses of people you want to contact in the search bar shown in the image. You can have free local and international Skype calls with other people who have Skype. Make sure you have the Skype for Mac installed before we move on to Skype’s features and tools. Skype is a widely used telecommunications application and if you’re planning on using it, we are here to guide you through the entire process.